Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research (MCDTR)
- Briana Mezuk, PhD, Associate Professor and Co-Director, Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan; Edith Kieffer, PhD, Professor, School of Social Work, University of Michigan; and William Thornton, MBA, Association Director of Community Wellness, YMCA of Greater Richmond, “Strengthening a community-engaged partnership to address disparities in diabetes care”
- Wen Ye, PhD, Associate Research Scientist, Biostatistics and Lynda Lisabeth, PhD, Professor, Epidemiology, “Development and validation of a stroke simulation model for evaluating stroke prevention and treatment policies in type 2 diabetes patients”. Jointly funded by the MDRC and the MCDTR.
- Harold Neighbors, PhD, Professor, Health Behavior and Health Education, and Gretchen Piatt, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Medical Education (DISP), “Oral Health Buddy: A behavioral intervention targeting racial disparities in diabetes and periodontal disease using text-messaging and caregiving”. Jointly funded by the MDRC and the Michigan Comprehensive Diabetes Center (MCDC).