The Michigan Nutrition Obesity Research Center (MNORC) is a cross-campus endeavor in which faculty with expertise in obesity and/or nutrition from the Medical School, School of Public Health, and School of Kinesiology provide a foundation for emerging, innovative collaborations and to provide a range of services for researchers investigating individual and population characteristics that arise in response to dietary nutrient composition and amount.
The MNORC was created to integrate and enhance basic and translational research related to nutrition and obesity among faculty at the University of Michigan and collaborating investigators. The center is designed to provide researchers with infrastructure, expertise, and training to facilitate improved data integration, analysis and modeling from properly designed basic, clinical, and population-based studies in obesity and metabolism-related diseases.
The MNORC grew out of the Michigan Metabolomics and Obesity Center (MMOC), created in 2006, to provide Core support for obesity research and to accelerate the development of metabolomics as the “omics” technology for the UM Medical School. Metabolomics resources and research originally supported by the MMOC are now incorporated into the MNORC Cores. This prevents duplication of effort and provides a stream-lined mechanism for investigators on the UM campus to discuss, collaborate, and institute innovative research ideas. Consultations with Core Directors and Core services are provided by the MNORC to facilitate this cutting-edge nutrition and obesity research.
MNORC members enjoy expanded connections with fellow U-M researchers, access to grants, opportunities to enlist and/or mentor junior colleagues or to identify potentially helpful senior colleagues, and the opportunity to gain increased exposure for their work.
To apply for membership, you must be a University of Michigan faculty member, eligible to be PI on federally funded grants.
Please Note: You will need to upload two documents: your NIH biographical sketch or Curriculum Vitae plus Other Support. Please have these documents ready to be uploaded.
Contact Us
Sandra Wankel, MSA
Program Manager, MNORC
For more information on the MNORC, direct inquiries to:
Randy Seeley, PhD
Director, MNORC