The Diabetes and Obesity Clinical Research Core is a collaboration between the MNORC Nutrition, Exercise, and Phenotype Testing Core and the MDRC Clinical Research Unit. We have partnered to provide research services to meet all your nutrition, obesity, and diabetes related needs.
Metabolic Phenotyping/Anthropometry
Contact Core staff ( for pricing of specific services and information on locations.
DEXA Scans
DEXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) is now considered by many to be a "gold standard" in body composition analysis and bone density measurement. DEXA machines are located at both the MDRC Clinical Research Unit at Domino's Farms, Lobby M and at the Michigan Clinical Research Unit in the Cardiovascular Center.
Cosmed-BodPod is located at the Domino's Farms, Lobby M location. This measures body composition and is considered gold standard for children and adults.
Cosmed-PeaPod is located at Michigan Medicine's Von Voigtlander's Women Hospital. This machine is used to measure whole body densitometry to determine body composition in infants weighing between 1kg to 8kg.
Core staff perform skeletal muscle and/or adipose tissue biopsy procedures
The Core provides several different services for use of accelerometer to assess physical activity behavior and sleep.
Rental of Actigraph accelerometers
$35.52/device/month (The Core has 30 units available for study teams to rent)
Accelerometry data collection setup (Customizing accelerometer software to accommodate specific data to be collected, organizing data collection spreadsheets, setting up mailing program for remote accelerometer delivery/return)
Accelerometry service support during the intervention
Accelerometer data cleaning and interpretation - Managing missing data and outliers in the data collected; data cleaning and interpretation.
Mixed Meal Tolerance Tests (MMTTs)
Charges for Mixed Meal Tolerance Tests depend on the complexity, duration of the tests, and supplies.
Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests (OGTTs)
Charges for Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests depend on the location, complexity, duration of the tests, and supplies.
Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test (IVGTT)
CVC/MCRU location: Core staff can perform this procedure used to assess insulin sensitivity, but study teams must provide a nurse or physician to be present during this test.
For staff to conduct the test - pharmacy will have separate charge for preparation of the insulin, and no sample analysis of glucose and insulin concentration or minimal model analysis for quantification of outcomes related to insulin sensitivity:
For minimal model analysis for quantification of Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test (IVGTT) outcomes related to insulin sensitivity - does not include sample analysis of glucose and insulin concentrations
Hyperinsulinemic/Euglycemic Clamp
CVC/MCRU location: Gold standard methods of assessing insulin sensitivity. Trained core staff members can perform this procedure, but study teams must provide a nurse or physician to be present during this test.
Experiments involving Metabolic Tracers
Core staff can conduct metabolic tracer experiments to assess metabolic processes such as hepatic glucose production, lipolytic rate, systemic fatty acid mobilization, and skeletal muscle protein synthesis.
Contact Core staff for pricing of specific tests and analyses.
OTHER (MDRC Clinical Research Unit at Domino's Farms, Lobby M location)
IV Catheter Placement and Removal
Dietary assessment through 24-hr recall or food record
Administration, data collection and processing of assessment of dietary intake utilizing special software (NDSR)
Meal preparation
Preparation of meals involving weighing and measuring of foods to fit specific study needs; charge of food is separate.
$13.00/quarter hour
Menu development
Development of menus to fit study specific parameters for energy, macronutrient and micronutrient content
Nutrition counseling
Individualized dietary counseling or diet instruction per study parameters or needs
Specialized nutrition consulting
Specialized consulting with a staff member outside of what is provided with the basic diet/nutrition services.
Exercise/Physical Activity
Exercise Supervision
Core staff perform virtual and in-person training for exercise interventions. For populations with or without physical disabilities.
$37.00/hour (specialized)
$20.00/hour (general)
Exercise Testing
Functional assessment tests (frailty tests, timed up and go, walking distance/pace); strength assessment (designated repetition maximum tests and grip strength)
Maximal Aerobic Capacity (VO2max)
VO2max testing offers an array of metabolic information via maximal and submaximal graded exercise testing. We offer VO2 testing at both locations.
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
Indirect calorimetry in adult and pediatric populations.
Clinical Services
MDRC Clinical Research Unit at Domino's Farms, Lobby M location ONLY: Includes space and support by clinical personnel (height, weight, BP, pulse, urine collection, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, ECG, other services - as determined in a service agreement).
Other General Fees & Services
General Consultation
Click here for initial study consultation with a staff member to help determine services needed.
Hands on training by a Core staff member for techniques such as 24-hour recalls; height/weight; circumference measurements; skinfold measurements
Non-Research Services
Non-Research Services are unavailable at this time. Please check back in 2-3 months.
Rates Include:
- Labor and administrative time
- Equipment
- Laboratory space use
- Storage of research supplies
- Infrastructure (phone, computer)
- Use of clinic rooms
For budget considerations, please contact
When preparing your study budget several years out, please budget a 10% increase in costs each year.
Note that the cost for some services includes the time/effort of experienced, trained, and licensed personnel. In instances where staff from the Core users’ research team assist or appropriately fill the role of Core staff to provide the service, the charges will be adjusted accordingly.
No-shows and late cancellations (<1 business day) will be billed the full amount.
The prices listed above reflect University of Michigan user rates. Some tests are available for non-University of Michigan users.
Contact Us
For more information on research services, please email: