Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research (MCDTR)
Specific Aims
- Support new and established investigators in developing, implementing, and evaluating evidence-based approaches to improving care and health equity in communities and health care organizations for populations disproportionately affected by diabetes; (All cores and programs)
- Provide education, training, and exchange to foster interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaborations to develop and support early stage and other researchers; (All cores and programs, Enrichment Program)
- Raise awareness of and interest in translational research in diabetes and related conditions with a particular emphasis on novel approaches to improve health equity and create an environment that supports such research at UM, regionally, nationally, and internationally; (All cores and programs, Administrative Core)
- Administer a Pilot and Feasibility (P/FS) Grants Program to attract new researchers, especially those from underrepresented/diverse backgrounds, to diabetes translational research that improves health equity and provide mentorship to enable awardees to generate sufficient preliminary data to successfully apply for research funding from NIH and other national granting agencies; (All cores and programs, Administration Core)
- Support communication, collaboration, and central resources, including web-based resources, for investigators working on T2-T4 translational research to improve health equity; (Administration Core)
- Catalyze cross-sectoral collaborations to develop and evaluate programs and policies to improve health equity for people with and at risk for diabetes; (Cross-sectoral Collaborations Program)
- Consult with investigators on study design, protocol development, data acquisition/collection, statistical analysis, implementation, and dissemination of behavioral, clinical, health equity, and health systems-related translational research studies; (Evaluation Methods and Intervention Strategies [EMIS] Core)
- Provide support for studies to improve accessibility and effectiveness of care and self-management support using mobile, telephone, and web-based tools with populations experiencing health disparities; (EMIS Core)
- Support state-of-the-art translational research to measure, screen for, and address socio-ecological, economic, and behavioral determinants of health to eliminate inequities in diabetes prevention and treatment;(Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health Core.
- Through its collaboration with the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and national Core on Leveraging Community, Family, and Peer Support, promote research in the MCDTR and nationally that leverages varied types and combinations of community, family, and peer support to improve individual and population health and health equity
Contact Us
Brenda Phillips
Director of Administration
1000 Wall Street
Room 6107
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-5714
Pamela A. Campbell
Administrative Specialist
2800 Plymouth Road
B20 Room 3820
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800