The Evaluation Methods and Intervention Strategies Core (EMIS) Core’s mission is to assist investigators in the study design, protocol development, data acquisition/collection, statistical analysis, implementation and dissemination to examine questions related to the causes, prevention, and effective management of diabetes, its complications, and comorbidities. The EMIS Core supports investigators through consultation and collaboration, leads work-in progress sessions, develops, and maintains centralized resources, and conducts workshops. In order to create economies of scale and leverage other resources, the EMIS Core’s activities are coordinated with other UM Centers and Institutes to provide a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to support translational research.
The Specific Aims of Evaluation Methods & Intervention Strategies Core are:
1. To consult with investigators regarding study design, protocol development, data acquisition/collection, statistical analysis, implementation, and dissemination of behavioral, clinical, health equity, and health systems-related translational research studies focused on the causes, prevention and management of diabetes, its complications, and comorbidities.
2. To conduct advanced biostatistical analyses, simulations, cost analyses, and data management in collaboration with funded investigators.
3. To facilitate the use of the Michigan Model of Diabetes Progression (MMDP) to evaluate the cost and health utilities of interventions and to rigorously assess cost-effectiveness.
4. To provide support for studies seeking to improve accessibility and effectiveness of care support using mobile, telephone, or web-based tools in populations experiencing health disparities.
5. To support communication, collaboration and central resources for investigators working on translational research.
The Core includes personnel with skills in using mobile, telephone, or web-based tools and in epidemiological methods; survey methodology; psychometric measurement; quasi-experimental designs; quality measurement and practice profiling; Managing, merging, and analyzing large administrative and clinical databases; and advanced biostatistical analysis and economic modeling.
Key Personnel
John D. Piette, PhD
Core Co-Director
Rodney A. Hayward, MD
Core Co-Director
Timothy P. Hofer, MD, MSc
Wen Ye, PhD