The Pilot/Feasibility (P/F) Grant Program is sponsored by the Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC). Its purpose is to promote research related to all aspects of diabetes by new and established investigators at the University of Michigan. The ultimate goal of the program is to accelerate the pace of research and enable awardees to generate sufficient preliminary data for successful applications for major research funding from the NIH or other national granting agency.
Grant proposals may be in the areas of basic biomedical or clinical research (Type T1 and T2 translational, bench to bedside) should address key questions regarding the pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of diabetes, its complications, or related endocrine or metabolic disorders (for example: obesity, metabolic syndrome, counter-regulatory proteins). Clinical T3 and T4 translational research proposals are not eligible.
Individuals who hold tenure, research or clinical track faculty positions at the University of Michigan are eligible to apply as Principal Investigators of P/F proposals. Eligible applicants are: a) new investigators beginning careers in diabetes-related research or nutrition and obesity; b) established investigators who have not previously worked in diabetes research but wish to focus their expertise on diabetes, nutrition, obesity and related areas; or c) established diabetes, nutritional sciences or obesity investigators who propose innovative research in diabetes that represents a clear departure from their ongoing research. This new direction must represent a clear departure from research previously undertaken by the applicant. Priority is given to investigators in category “a” followed by investigators in category “b”. Individuals who receive a 2024-25 MDRC P/F grant are not eligible to receive a 2024-25 MDRC Diabetes Interdisciplinary Study Program grant.
The MDRC will consider applications for renewal for MDRC P/F grants awarded in the prior two funding cycles (i.e., those awarded in 2022-23 or 2023-24). In addition to receiving a full external review for scientific merit, priority for funding for renewal applications will depend on progress made and the expenditure of funds during the prior award period.
To encourage interaction and collaboration between UM-based and Regional MDRC members, the MDRC Regional P/F program will also consider joint/collaborative projects between UM and Regional MDRC members. To apply for such an award, please use the MDRC DISP application forms.
P/F proposals should be for one year of support, with requested funding up to $50,000 direct costs. Applications for joint/collaborative projects between UM and Regional MDRC members may request budgets of up to $100,000 total ($50,000 to faculty at each university). To apply for such an award, please use the MDRC DISP application forms.
The MDRC will consider applications for renewal (with additional budget up to $50,000) for MDRC P/F grants awarded in the prior two funding cycles (i.e., those awarded in 2022-23 or 2023-24).
Each proposal will receive extramural peer review by recognized experts in the area of the proposal from the United States and abroad. Revised proposals from previous cycles are considered new applications and will be reviewed as such. The MDRC Grants Program Advisory Council of expert investigators reviews the P/F applications together with their respective peer evaluations and ranks the applications based on scientific merit and relevancy to diabetes, obesity and nutrition research before final funding decisions are made. Notice of planned awards for P/F grants that receive favorable review is anticipated on or before December 1, 2024.
P/F grant awardees are queried annually by MDRC administrative staff and are required to provide information on the publications and funding that stem from the P/F grant as this information must be reported to NIH. P/F grant awardees are also expected to present their research at the Annual Caswell Diabetes Institute Metabolism, Obesity, and Diabetes (CDI-MOD) Symposium. If awarded, junior faculty will work with the MDRC programs to identify a mentor to assess progress on the P&F project and career development.
Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) Pilot/Feasibility Grant Program
- Download the P/F Application and other Required Application Materials located on the right-hand side of the page under Supporting Documents. The P/F Application file contains detailed application instructions.
- When you are ready to submit your application, select “Apply” from the right-hand menu in this Competition Space opportunity. Log in with your uniqname and Level 1 (Kerberos) password.
- All details are automatically saved as you enter them. When you are ready to submit, click "Submit Application" at the bottom of the page. You will receive a confirmation email once your application has been submitted.
Questions: Please contact Shay Aboutawila, or Brenda Phillips,